"Community clean up" day

Updated: Sep 24, 2021

On Tuesday, July 20, the team of interns and volunteers gathered together to participate in the "Community clean up" event, at Pancharevo Lake in Sofia, they had prepared beforehand. Accompanied by other people willing to contribute to an environmental cause, the event, part of the BeGree+n project, was intended to increase interest in environmental issues and awareness of the preservation of Bulgarian natural areas and their biodiversity.

It was also an opportunity to participate in a civic action and to set an example to the people present on site while strengthening the cohesion within the ICDET team.

Focusing on the lake shore around the dam, participants were productive and collected 20 bags of trash in just 2 hours!

By walking from location to location around the shoreline, it was possible to collect various types of waste (plastic bottles, glass, packaging) and even some large, highly polluting bulky items. Then, the attendees deposited all this trash in containers in the surroundings to ensure their final collection. The event helped tidy up the lake and completely changed the shoreline where some of the decomposing waste was threatening to pollute the lake water and impact the wildlife present there.

Following the success of the operation and the enthusiasm it generated, the ICDET team intends to repeat the experience in other areas of Sofia or elsewhere in Bulgaria very soon.

So stay tuned and be green !