TC "I will be there for me" in Czech Republic

Culminating from the 9th to the 19th of October 2023 in the picturesque landscapes of the Czech Republic, 'I'll Be There for Me' was a transformative mindfulness and self-acceptance training. The project addressed the pervasive sense of 'not being good enough' prevalent in societies overly focused on performance and perfection.

Utilizing mindfulness and self-compassion, the training incorporated meditation and body-mind techniques. Participants experienced a dynamic blend of sitting and moving, playfulness and seriousness, group sharing, and solitary reflection.

Throughout the program, attendees developed a self-care attitude, embraced imperfections as inherent to the human experience, and honed skills to cope with stress and anxieties, thereby reducing the risk of depression. The training fostered a greater sense of calmness, clarity, and focus, while cultivating compassion and a kind attitude towards oneself and others.

Particular emphasis was placed on addressing the self-critical voice and learning to navigate failures. Participants were not only equipped with personal growth tools but also gained insights into applying these mindfulness and self-acceptance concepts in professional settings. This practical knowledge empowers them to positively impact the well-being of individuals, particularly the youth.

The 'I'll Be There for Me' project has concluded, leaving a lasting imprint on all participants. They now carry invaluable tools for personal development and possess the capacity to contribute positively to the well-being of those around them.

Pictures from the training can be found HERE.

During participant's workshops, a booklet was created. It can be found HERE.