Okay, so here’s the deal: let’s begin this article by mentioning the fact that we had so much fun during the Media Movement project that took place in Kirklareli, Turkey, that we almost forgot to take any pictures. But I really hope that the ones I have, along with some explanations, are going to help you see and understand how great that experience was – not only for me personally, but (I’m sure) for everybody else that participated in it.
We did a whole lotta lot of discussions about media as a whole and how it affects us consciously and subconsciously. On the picture above, you can see me and my team explaining the hidden meaning behind the logo that we designed for the project. What was really motivating about it, was the fact that all of the groups carefully and mindfully listened to each other without interrupting. I could feel the mutual sympathy between all of the participants: no matter the age, the gender and the nationality, we all became friends along the process of learning such interesting and helpful information about the media – something that surrounds us daily.
I made so many friends on that very first project of mine – a great motivation to keep the good work and continue applying to similar ones! Believe me, it really is worth the try! Erasmus, I can say, changed my perspective on life. It gave me the opportunity to explore new cultures.
It gave me the opportunity to explore new cultures.
I tasted so much interesting food that I’ve never heard of before.
We danced so much! I learned so many traditional dances from Turkey and Romania.
We also had a lot of work.
But then rested the right way: productively – in the nature with our phones turned off.