This week was my final week. In effect, after almost 2 months of internship, my stay has come to end. All those days were dedicated to both finish ICDET duties and universities requirements.
I finally completed my internship report on monday and submitted it to my university. I started its redaction in July but I had to wait until August to get more information from my university tutor about all the topics, elements I had to cover exactly and some writing recommendations.
Then, I decided to begin to shoot my video about my experience in ICDET as part of the final training session. I tried to reflect about my whole internship here and provide meaningful answers in order to give a complete overview of what was the professional experience here.
I also helped Murat with his video, giving him advice and filming him.
I continue with the completion of the final training session (ICDET OnLanding Training) by filling in all the forms of the sessions and by trying to give my best opinion on the course of the experience.
Loic Perreau
Intern - Project Development Department