Politics have always been my passion. Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve known that when I grow up I would study political science in the university and, one day, become a politician myself. I’ve read numerous books on the matter, watched the news since I can remember, and have had many lengthy discussions with both members of my own family and strangers.

Many of my peers, till this day, still don’t understand my hobby of choice, but what I don’t understand is how uninterested in political matters some young people can be. In my opinion, everybody should at least try to keep up to date with the news because being part of a society requires you to take personal responsibility for said society. Political awareness is crucial when voting for elections or a referendum because the outcome of your choice affects your life and the life of those around you directly.

Unfortunately, most young people in my country don’t realize the importance of having an informed opinion on political matters and that trend only seams to grow amongst the younger generation still. I find this current situation disquieting because one day the many problems both the European Union and the Bulgarian state face will fall on us to fix and our incompetence to do so would have grave consequences. As a European citizen I find it my personal responsibility to try and stay more informed, but admittedly I find watching political debates quite enjoyable to watch and the discussions that follow even more so.

My hobby doesn’t consist of just watching the news and having verbal altercations with people of different ideological beliefs than mine, but also reading books on philosophy, sociology, history and economics. My favourite authors are the classic philosophers Plato and Aristotle. I also enjoy taking part in extracurricular activities such as visiting the parliament or attending the monthly open debates the political science club organizes. I’ve went to many lectures from various famous political figures in my country too. I find them mentally stimulating and very helpful in my preparation for exams.
I personally have a lot of respect for our President and admire how he defends his political stance and beliefs with such vigour, when verbally attacked. I think he knows what is expected of him as a President and tries to do his job as best he can.

by Dimitar Balabanov
Participant in
YE Save our money in Mezobereny, Hungary