Non-formal education is a learning movement which contains a lot of values, knowledge and importance for everyone. It helps us to acquire and maintain skills and abilities in a fun way. It provides us an completely new experience which we will never forget.I am glad to say that I am part of the Erasmus+ family. My name is MishelaSpiroska, I am 21.
My first Erasmus+ youth exchange was in December, 2015. It was held in Madrid, Spain and for me it was the best project. The organization was excellent. The name of the YE was “Don`t be afraid of anything”. The main theme was conflict management and mediation. The focus and the main objective was increasing our ability to resolve conflicts around us and help us to create a safe and open to non-formal space activities. We learned how to deal with our fears and insecurities, also the acquisition of competence through non-formal education and promote the active participation of young people in society -all this through the international voluntary initiatives.
My second Erasmus+ youth exchange was in March, 2017. It was held in Specchia (a beautiful village near Lecce), Italy. The name of the project was HOME (Hosting Opportunities for Migrants in Europe). The most important thing that I learned is how to feel empathy. We collected stories from the migrants and refugees hosted in the Refugees Center, did the activities together and had a lot of fun. The conclusion was that we all deserve the same rights, acceptance from the environment and love because we are all the same.
My third Erasmus+ youth exchange was in October, 2018. It was held in Arcavacatadi Rende(near Cosenza), Calabria –Italy. The name of the project was E-for work. The main theme was about the complex and difficult employment conditions that unite us and we questioned together on the concept of youth employment: work orientation, youth and female entrepreneurship, new concepts such as start up and social enterprise, precarious and underpaid work.