Practice Makes Entrepreneurs
Training Course | 5-12 February 2019 | @ Osterholz-Scharmbeck (Bremen), Germany
Application deadline 12.12.2018

Training Course for Youth Workers and Leaders on entrepreneurial education.
Taking into consideration the current situation in the majority of European countries, the international training course ‘Practice Makes Entrepreneurs’ is seeking to equip youth workers and leaders who work directly with young unemployed people with essential business and entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, in order to make them capable to indicate ‘alternative paths’ correlated with the labor market, thus contributing to the limitation of the unemployment among youth. Specifically, by saying ‘alternative paths’, it’s being implied the promotion of self-employment and a general cultivation of an entrepreneurial culture. The above target will be accomplished through a combination of practical knowledge provision on entrepreneurship, and a parallel cultivation of a positive way of thinking within the side-paths of self-awareness and self-motivation.
Specifically, participants will experience various practical exercises -mostly based on non-formal education methods- which will qualify them with entrepreneurial knowledge that can be utilized to equip young people with essential skills, in order to be ready to take entrepreneurial decisions concerning complex socioeconomic conditions. Consequently, the subsequent application of those practical methods-exercises within different local contexts, also aims at the dissemination of alternative entrepreneurial methods, thus contributing to the eradication of various obstacles, such as discrimination and inequality in opportunities; problems which are frequently being encountered by young people, especially in the deprived and rural areas of the E.U.
Profile of the Participants: - Age mainly 18-40 - Youth workers, youth leaders, activists - Able to work in English - Willing to share the new knowledge with the members of his/her organization once he/she gets back, act as multipliers - Active learners, available for the whole duration of the course and ready to share their experience and knowledge; - Motivated to take an active part in all the stages of the training course
Participation fee:
Participation fee is 40 Euro.
Accommodation and food:
The accommodation in the hostel (3-4 participants per room) and food (3 meals per day) will be covered by the organizers.
Travel reimbursement:
For participants from Denmark, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Estonia, Greece, Romania and Slovakia the maximum travel reimbursement sum is 275 Euro.
The Art of Dialogue
Training Course | 16-20 March 2019 | @ Vienna, Austria
Application deadline 07.01.2019

How can you apply the “Art of Dialogue” approach in EU Youth Dialogue activities? The main focus of the training is to support those who facilitate the dialogue process or specific activities planned by National Working Groups within their work plans.
The "Art of Dialogue" is a set of methods, theories and approaches for participative and interactive group moderation and process design. It is based on frameworks such as "Art of Hosting", "The Way of Council" or "Theory U". It has been developed in the course of working for the Structured Dialogue, first on the national level in Austria (2015-2017). During the Austrian EU presidency 2018 it was used to promote the Youth Goals as a common vision for youth in Europe and in running the EU Youth Conference in Vienna.
More info about the approach: Structured Dialogue Learning Map,
The context of the training is the new EU Youth Strategy for 2019-2027, which is the European policy framework for young people in Europe. After the Structured Dialogue process, it puts the EU Youth Dialogue at the front, aiming to establish participation of young people in decision making process at all levels- from local, regional, national and European. This is a window of opportunity to include new approaches in implementing the EU Youth Dialogue.
We want to explore how to make use of the methods and attitudes that have proven successful in 6th cycle of the Structured Dialogue, in order to be more effective in:
facilitating meaningful dialogue among young people and stakeholders,
building trust and cooperation among various stakeholders,
promoting the EU Youth Dialogue
Participation fee:
This project is financed by the participating NAs of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme. The participation fee varies from country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the participation fee for participants from your country.
Accommodation and food:
The hosting National Agency of this offer will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food.
Travel reimbursement:
Your sending National Agency will support your travel costs. After being selected, please contact your NA to learn more about how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.