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Hello everyone ! My name is Loïc. I am 25 years old and I come from France, more specifically from a region called Burgundy where wine and food has all its importance ! As you can see from this first opening, I am obsessed with food and it is really part of my culture and personality, therefore, I am very proud of it. But don't get me wrong, this is not my only interest in life. Curious by nature because of the education I received, I have at heart not to remain locked in a box but to always run after the discovery and the openness. From my interest in nature and what surrounds us, to my passion for certain arts such as cinema, to my need to understand current events and the why behind everything, I am a jack of all trades!

So when I started college out of high school, I needed to be immersed in an environment where people came from diverse backgrounds and the teachings opened me up to a broad future direction. So I took a degree in Applied Foreign Languages in Dijon, where you take professional courses in areas such as economics, communication with a focus on two languages at the same level, English and Italian. Personally, the more I discovered day by day, the more productive I became.

However, as a certain routine began, I met people who motivated me to go further in my desires. As a volunteer at Action contre la Faim in Dijon, an international solidarity NGO, we were a close-knit team with the desire to bring our open-mindedness to the benefit of society, and this took shape in the realization of charity events throughout the year. Then, Erasmus came naturally to me and I finished my degree by spending a year in Dublin, Ireland.

It is with this experience that I really found my way: being in a multicultural environment, changing from one language to another, discovering the specificity of each one through its culture and traveling through the country, this is what guided my university exchange. My professors were amazed at the motivation I brought to every class and even to some of the more menial tasks such as party planning, but this last thing stayed between us, that's a secret!

Currently in my first year of a Master's degree in European projects in the west of France, in Caen, I did my second semester in Erasmus in Sofia and I naturally decided to continue with an internship at ICDET. My interest for Europe and the projects it leads, developed through school experiences but also through encounters, encouraged me to turn towards the field of education and the work that the association leads on a daily basis. I want to improve my technical skills but also some soft skills and always manage to blossom in an environment where our cultural differences are a strength. Within ICDET, we are all different but each one of us becomes multiple, both in its role and our personalities, I told you, It’s all about openness!


Loïc Perreau, intern@ICDET


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