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LIFE+ | Outline of week 32/2021

This week was intended to finish some of the previous week's activities and to start new tasks whose importance required work to be turned in before the beginning of the next week which stands for the vacations.

Therefore, I made a recording for Katia about Shvistov and the activities carried out there in relation to the Begreen+ project, trying to recall what our objectives were in going there and what the project wanted to make explicit through its activities.

With some members of the team, we wanted to recreate a trip like the one of Shvistov to create during this one a new activity within the framework of the Begreen Project in Bansko but unfortunately the timing did not leave us a window of action too big to create something concrete and which is of the sense with regard to the thematic of the project and the general actions of icdet.

I also had to work on more personal tasks such as my report before being entrusted with the task of assisting the other team members in the supervision of the general training and all the sessions that followed in order to make remarks and proposals to improve it. I had access to a particular session about the dissemination and exploitation of results which allowed me to understand what this subject could be about with the specifity of the training with DEOR. Also, by participating to the duties of the session, I was able then to formulate a general opinion about the quality of this one.

Loic Perreau

INTERN@ Project Development Department


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