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PARTICIPATE+ | M.O.V.E – Mercator Virtual Experiences

Virtual exchange programs for teenagers and young adults


Intercultural Media Academy

Countries: Europe Language: English Age: 14-17 years Workload: approx. 30 hours (live calls and preparation time) Dates: May 1 – 28, 2021 Price: 50€, full scholarships available!

„Become a European Blogger – Online Journalism at its best“ is the motto of the Intercultural Media Academy. The English-speaking program is directed towards students between 14 – 17 years mainly from Europe. The participants will learn from journalism experts and gain experiences through conducting interviews and creating their own media product. Furthermore, participants will get the opportunity to receive the Global Competence Certificate.


Karlshochschule Virtual Academy

Countries: global Language: English Age: 17 – 21 years old Workload: approx. 30 hours (live calls and preparation time) Dates: June 5-27, 2021 Price: 150€, full scholarships available!

Our virtual Academy on „Embracing diversity and tackling inequalities“ invites high school and university students to learn about how to tackle social inequalities and how to become active global citizens. The three-week program offers a mix of lectures, workshops, individual assignments, and social events.


Connected Europe

Countries: Europe Language: English Age: 16-19 years old Workload: approx. 30 hours (live calls and preparation time) Dates: 3 weekends from May 21 to June 6 Price: 50€, full scholarships available!

“Connected Europe” focuses on European legislative procedures and gives you the opportunity to be part of a model European Union. After introductory workshops, you will be assigned a faction and work closely with the other members on drafting amendments and defending them in plenary sessions. Throughout the process you will be supported by volunteers and have the opportunity to meet with experts from the field. Previous knowledge on European legislaton is not required. The program is directed towards European students between the age of 16 – 19 years.

Apply now! Deadline extended till May 16, 2021



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