IMAGINE project gather 29 youth workers or young migrants in Izmir between 21th to 29th November 2016. Training Course aims to support youth workers to their mission of a better integration of young migrants through employability by providing innovative and creative tools. Through taking initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship; youth workers and migrants of Europe will contribute and promote their communities and societies for better inclusion, cohesion and employability.

During IMAGINE, two experience trainers in field and two facilitators will moderate the learning process of participants. IMAGINE will gather 29 youth workers or young migrants from Greece, Romania, Poland, Spain, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Italy and Turkey .
During this 7 days training course participants will share their experiences and gain new skills and increase their knowledge.
• To stimulate creativity and innovation on a EU context for NGOs and youth workers by matching and exchanging ideas, knowledge, good practices regarding young migrant’s employability and active inclusion;
• To promote and emphasize the importance of using new tools combining non formal education, ICT and culture/art/creative thinking towards increasing of young migrants’ employability and social inclusion
• To give the opportunity to youth workers to discover the current situation of young migrants in the partners’ countries regarding inclusion and employability and share common challenges and issues
• To create a safe learning environment with up- to date information about social inclusion, intercultural dialogue and employability skills’ trends through non formal education methods;
• To inform participants on Erasmus+ program for 2014 - 2020 and give special focus on active inclusion of youth and migrants project themes.
The working methods are primarily based on the active participation and learning of participants promoted through non-formal and informal activities. Theoretical sessions will also integrated but in an interactive way.
