LIFE+ | EVS @ ICDET Weekly Diary 6

And after the week of mid-term evaluation meeting, full of motivation, inspiration and a lot, really a lot of new contacts, we are turning back to our EVs usual business. The media portal is getting more concrete, with its new guise, thanks to Ivan and the contribution of our audience on the surveys we are getting better, we try every day.

About the contacts we raise during the meeting, you can see immediately the results. In the beginning of this week we have chance to meet Jorge, a EVS volunteer from Spain, he is currently during his EVS here in Sofia. He has a background in psychology studies, Ewa take chance to organize an interview with him where they talk about homesickness and other common situations would happen during any EVS. I have chance to enjoy this interview “from the other side”, I have my experience with a new camera the quality results are huger than before, and you can see them already published! I feel myself more and more comfortable in this side of the camera, but is our audience to decide which role will fit better to me.

Thanks to Zahari and his personal contacts I have chance to understand better direction of my personal project, soonly I can make the step forward to make it real. I will have the chance to try my small enterprise here in Bulgaria. According to some people, my project is very ambitious, but with right knowledge and some tricks given by experts, I hope it will be achievable.

The time of our EVS is flying away; you can see our media contributions every day. Other innovations will be announce soon, stay tuned!

#Life #EVSICDETdiary