1.Name, age, country?
Maria Trujillo Juradi, 19, Spain
2.What is the name of your organization?
Egeria Asociacion Desarrollo Social
3.What is the focus/aim of your organization?
To transform society with feminism and human rights.
4.Do you have any experience with the topic of Migration in your life?
No, I haven’t.
5.Do you have any experience with the Erasmus+ program? How it has influenced your life?
Yes. I was in a project in Italy about the depopulation of rural zones. I learned more about different cultures and met new people.
1.Name, age, country?
Indigo Uriz Martinez, 25, Spain
2.What is the name of your organization?
Egeria Asociacion Desarrollo Social
3.What is the focus/aim of your organization?
To transform society with feminism and human rights.
4.Do you have any experience with the topic of Migration in your life?
Yes, I have worked with refugees in the past in Greece and the Netherlands and I worked in Amnesty International in charged of the refugees’ section.
5.Do you have any experience with the Erasmus+ program? How it has influenced your life?
Yes, I was in another project about human rights and I went to Belgium as an exchange student thanks to Erasmus+.
1.Name, age, country?
Mila Apostolovikj, 20, Macedonia
2.What is the name of your organization?
The name of my organization is C.E.T Platform Macedonia.
3.What is the focus/aim of your organization?
It works towards strengthening civil society in Macedonia, protection of human rights , social inclusion of vulnerable groups, promotion of non-formal education and offering support, education, training and mobility opportunities to young people.
4.Do you have any experience with the topic of Migration in your life?
Yes, I have experience with the topic. I am a political science student enrolled in the final academic year of BA degree in International Relations and Diplomacy. Therefore, I have strategically focused my studies on European Union Law, International Human rights, Migration policy and Political systems.
5.Do you have any experience with the Erasmus+ program? How it has influenced your life?
Until this training course I did not have an opportunity to participate in an Erasmus+ project. I must admit that it has influenced me in a very positive way. I got inspired and encouraged to apply and participate in more projects connected to my field of interest. It is a good opportunity to develop new competences, improve skills, deepen your knowledge and most importantly for young people – it is a chance to meet new people and create very valuable lifelong friendships.
1.Name, age, country?
Martina Gjorgjevska, 23, Macedonia
2.What is the name of your organization?
C.E.T Platform Macedonia
3.What is the focus/aim of your organization?
Its aim is to promote non-formal education and to offer education and development to youngsters.
4.Do you have any experience with the topic of Migration in your life?
I used to work in Berlin for 3 months, so in a way I was a migrant. There were a lot of refugees that worked there from Syria, Iraq, Palestine so I got the chance to learn more about their life.
5.Do you have any experience with the Erasmus+ program? How it has influenced your life?
I was on another Erasmus+ project in October in Morfelden Walldorf about people with disabilities. I learned a lot of new things and it changed my perspective about a lot of things in my life and how I took many of them for granted. Also it helped me learn new things about myself and I met a lot of people with whom I am still in touch.
1.Name, age, country?
Simsek Burcu, 38, Turkey
2.What is the name of your organization?
Bolu Municipality and Bolu Youth Association
3.What is the focus/aim of your organization?
As Bolu Youth Association we focus on youth and would like them to improve themselves and would like to contribute to their self-development with national and international projects.
4.Do you have any experience with the topic of Migration in your life?
Not very much.
5.Do you have any experience with the Erasmus+ program? How it has influenced your life?
Yes, as the organization this is our 4th Erasmus+ project and we also have a number of EVS projects.