Hello, everyone!
My name is Donika Boneva,18, from Stara Zagora.
I was a participant in a project, which was in Cosenza, Italy from 09.10.18 until 16.10.18.
I had a great time since my meeting with the Bulgarian team at the airport. I knew it would be a wonderful project at the time I saw five positive, happy and enthusiastic young people in front of me. Our leader Mishela was serious, organised and friendly and she justified my expectations about how a leader should act. Everything was okay with the flight. We arrived at Roma, but unfortunately, we didn’t have had enough time to see all of the beauty in Rome. Luckily, we did had time to walk around the city center, to buy souvenirs, to take photos and to see Fountain de Trevi.
Later we took a train, which had a delay. But for our advantage, the train company gave all of its passenger’s free bags with water, juice and sweets, which were very delicious.
When we arrived at Cosenza, we were taken by car from the Italian organization. Our accommodation was at the Calabria University ‘s campus. I’ve never been to a real student campus before and I haven’t experienced the students ‘s life until then.
The other participants were from Italy, Portugal and Slovakia. I am going to miss some of them.
Our activities were pursued also in one of the University ‘s buildings. The lunch and the dinner were at the students ‘s canteen. The food was delicious and varied, which made me enjoy it.
The activities were fun, not that hard and interesting. There was more practical part than theoretical, and I liked this part. There was mostly group tasks and a variety of different interesting games and energisers. We had the opportunity to talk and have a discussion with Italian entrepreneurs and to visit Cosenza ‘s occupational(labor) market, where a couple of specialists gave us attention and knowledge about the situation in Italy and the European Solitary corpse.

We had free time too. One of the days we visited Avantea city by train. It was raining but that didn’t affect on the great views we’ve saw there. We took a lot of photos, we had wonderful gelato (Italian ice cream) and even went to the beach, where some of the guys from the group had swim.
It was a great gesture from the Italian organisation that the last day they have rented a modern traveling bus especially for us, so we could have a panoramic view at the most beautiful parts in Cosenza. After that we received out Youth passes and went for a diner. Later we had party for the last time with all of the group and took goodbyes, even though we’ve promised to each other to see again someday!