Yow – Youth of the World, the transformative Power of Global Education
No 2017-1-IT03-KA205-010978

The final transnational meeting, that took place on the 13th and 14th of December 2018, in Thessaloniki, Greece, was fundamental to close project activities and management issues. Moreover it was the occasion to present evaluation and dissemination results, as well as the final multiplier event. It was also the moment to complete the decision about sustainability and exploitation of Youth of the world.
The project involved partners from different cultural backgrounds with different expertise and experience levels. Nevertheless they were all engaged in a collaborative activity in the project framework. Irrespective of the differences we had a common goal: to deliver a successful project.
Youth of the World put together carefully a unique and strategic cross sector and transnational strategic partnership in order to support the development, transfer and implementation of innovative practices in the field of youth at local, national (Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Portugal, Ireland) and European levels.
The project not only created a paradigm of youth-led/ user-led models of training and education but also helped to achieve the Erasmus + equality educational objectives. The main result was the Tools Kit for youth workers, etc., on how to use Global Education Prospective in their daily activities.
Given the message, the open access platform, the multiplier events targeting Europe regionally, the dissemination waves to different levels and locations in different formats - there is a realistic hope that the project will be capable to influence the citizens and bring the EU policy on active participation of young people in society and environment issues closer to them.
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