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E+VENT | KA3 TUNE First Meeting

At the first project meeting the 1st year's activities were discussed as follows:

Network's Seminar for EU Youth Strategy Online(M3-M6)

Each organization will delegate 1 project manager/Youth worker etc. to participate in the online educational seminar. The seminar will be addressed to the members of the network aiming to introduce European youth policy frameworks and relate those frameworks to the variety of realities from local and regional to national and European levels; analyse youth policy concepts and interrogate its main principles (e.g. evidence-informed, participatory and cross-sectorial) and approaches (e.g. youth rights, youth needs and youth well-being); The seminar will be organized by USB and realized in an interactive and cooperative way.

Good practices exchange to increase youth participation (after the network seminar)

After the educational seminar, a written plan will be shared including good practices and guidelines on how to implement the info sessions (Europe days WP3), based on the network’s feedback. Partners are invited to contribute to the plan by sharing their good practices for an effective plan that raises young people’s awareness of EU programmes.

Europe days (M6-M8)

Info sessions in the form of "Europe Day" with a goal to encourage young people's participation in civil society; the TUNE members having the necessary knowledge from the EU youth strategy seminar will realize info days and participants will have the opportunity to explore mobility programs together through innovative methods, such as peer youth information and support; testimonies of young people who participated in European programs and games in the form of non-formal learning. Additionally, during these Info Days, participants will be informed about EU Youth policy including the European Youth goals. Having access to the right information at the right moment supports a more equal distribution of mobility opportunities, offering young people accurate, reliable and youth-friendly information

Each participant organization have to implement 3 info days of minimum 15 young participants reaching the sum number of 45 participants minimum. Thus 45*18=810 participants will be informed about mobility programmes across Europe. The priority will be given to disadvantaged young people – or ‘young people with fewer opportunities’ (YPFO) as they are referred to. These activities can be realized in schools, Universities, through open calls etc.

Peer-to-peer talks(M9-M10)

1 video by each participant organization (Total 18 videos) of approx. 1 minute each, where either volunteers from ESC or participants in Erasmus+ will share their views, good practices and recommendations to their peers through a video campaign. This activity aims to raise awareness regarding youth mobilities, empower future participants, broaden knowledge on youth mobility programs, and develop socio-cultural and professional networks to exchange and evolve in a supportive environment.

1st General Assembly and Network’s Development Event in Thessaloniki (M11)

a) Assess the results from the activities implemented in the 1st year, in the context of Enhancement of Youth Participation and Civil Society

b) Development of good practices on boosting involvement and civil society in EU projects

c) Sustainability of the network and thus the Civil Society Cooperation through the new project ideas addressing youth engagement in democratic life

Furthermore, a Networking event will be organized and budgeted by USB in Thessaloniki during the 11th month of the project.


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