The concept of Global Village fits in this context because it is related to the creation of a network of connections, which leave shorter and shorter distances, facilitating cultural and economic relations quickly and efficiently. As the main positive point of globalization we can mention the technological advances that make life easier for people. It facilitates the flow of information and capital through innovations in the areas of Telecommunications and Information Technology. But globalization also has its drawbacks and can provide or develop problems of integration, racism and exclusion. This project seeks to promote - particularly through innovative integrated approaches - inclusion, diversity, equality, gender balance and non-discrimination in the activities of young people by improving the skills and performance of young workers (YW) (educators in general) at Global Education (GE); promote, in particular, the development of social, civic and intercultural skills, media literacy and critical thinking, as well as combating discrimination, segregation, racism, bullying and violence. To help the development of young people who take into account the local and global context, avoiding all situations of marginalization that exclude cases and lead young people to extremist radicalization. Another objective of the project is to pass and share good practices on the use of GE and Prospective, especially to involve young people, youth organizations and others stakeholders, in order to spread the awareness on this topic and stimulate the creation of new GE Strategies in the partner countries. The project will provide a toolkit and tutorials on GE activities, training and multipliers events to share the knowledge among YW and build a network of youth organizations focus on the practice of GE. The project also foresee a final blended mobility of young people organised with the staff participating in the project training to be held during the Global Education Week in November 2018 organized by North-South Centre and Council of EU in Italy. Our strategic partnership will involve various sectors across the EU in order to create educational evidence and tools. It is not limited to the sector led by youth, but includes other entities from civil society and the public sector.
Blended Mobility for 24 young people and 6 youth workers with a final activity of 7 days in Florence during the Global Education week in November 2018

The aim of this mobility is promoting global education, sustainable development, human rights and equality among young people. It is critical if we want to achieve an open, tolerant and equal society. As adults of tomorrow, young people will shape the future. The desired impact on participants is the increase in their self-esteem and achieving an awareness of the important role they can play in their local communities if they are actively involved in community life such as a small gesture, but it can turn into something bigger. In a long term we expect the increase of participation in training activities both in the country of origin and European level and a greater sensitivity and active participation in the life of their communities. The awareness of the greater impact of their choices of the world and taking an active role in society as local and global citizens with a greater understanding of the complexity of the world and society. In recent years, migration flows inside the European Union and from third countries have increased significantly rising uncertainty and instability in many communities already beleaguered by the economic crisis. The combination of these two phenomena has exacerbated situations of intolerance and conflict in European society. In particular young people constantly undergo a flow of information in the traditional media, but especially social media. With this programme, we intend to address different topics to carry out a reflection on what it means to be a global citizen, how we can build coexistence in Europe and face problems and fears emerged in our society in recent years. We want to address these issues without hypocrisy speaking not only of the positive aspects and enriching but also the difficulties that entail.
Tool Kit – Global Education

At the moment, a Tool Kit is being developed Tools Kit among the partner's country with the most relevant experiences (good/bad practices) in the creation of Global Education Programme for youth sector. A Tool Kit for youth workers, NGO, Associations, local entities, schools, informal group of young people (etc.) on how to use Global education methodology in their daily activities. The Tool Kit will be the project’s primary interface to all stakeholders and target groups involved in the project. The Tool Kit will be an interface and brand of the project in one. It will stand for a consistent appearance and an easy and repeated recognition among its users. The Tool Kit is the main, permanently available information source for all partners, participants and target groups of the project. It will be elaborated in a digital format to be used and shared by all interested people.
Social media of the project