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LIFE+ | EVS @ ICDET Weekly Diary 7

People are saying that if time is moving fast, you enjoy it. If it is true, I am enjoying my EVS in ICDET too much. I even cannot say when that week passed! But do not worry, it does not mean that it was not productive. Just the opposite.

We made two more E+xpo editions, this time at schools. First one, at the 4th primary school in Druzhba district of Sofia was focused on cultural differences. Kids had a chance to explore Polish and Italian cuisine, language and celebrations. Basically, that was an English lesson in practice. I hope that kids enjoyed that experience as we did. Next event took place on Friday at one of high schools. You can imagine- the end of the school year, June, amazing weather and the last lesson… Despite that approximately 50 people came to explore Erasmus+ world! We had a presentation about European Union and Erasmus+ opportunities. We were aware that 10th and 11th grade is the best age to start international experience. To be honest, I feel that at least few students will apply for Youth Exchange this summer. If yes, it will mean that we succeeded.

And like every other week, interviews and editing. Developing our media portal and discussing new ideas. Media is our main focus, but personal projects are also very important. Mauro’s project is also getting bigger and bigger. Hopefully, now he will have a partner that will help him. I am more than sure that together they will create an amazing thing! Keep fingers crossed for us, we both need lots of positive energy and support now!

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